Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 ways to live longer that really work!

 1. Get a pet. Pet interaction decreases stress hormones.

 2. 6 1/2 - 7 1/2 hours sleep is best a night.

 3. Have friends,  And not just the facebook kind...

 4. Find the one. Marriage can add 10 years to a man's life, and 4 to a woman's.

 5. Just 15 minutes of exercise a day can increase your life span by 3 years.

 6. Take a hike! Nature and trees reduce stress.

 7. Eat chocolate. Some ingredients in chocolate are actually good for you, and dark chocolate is good for you heart!

 8. Laughter is the best medicine- for real. Laughing is not only fun, but it's good for you too.

 9. People who drink half a glass of whine a day live three years longer then people who don't drink.

 10. Last but not optimistic. Your atitude is important to be happy and healthy.

  Live long and prosper my friends. Live long and prosper.

picture from
thanks to msn.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

7 Big Words to make you sound Smart

1. Truculently- fiercely, cruelly, brutally harsh (he advanced on his enemy truculently)

2. Brobdingnagian- huge (that fat guy is brobdingnagian)

3. Multitudinous- plenty of (the multitudinous cheering of hundreds of people)

4. Feculent- disgusting, fecul (the boy's room was as feculent as a sewer)

5. Propitiatingly- to appease (he agreed propitiatingly)

6. Unpreposessing- ugly (the unprepossessing face of a bulldog)

7. Crepuscular- dim, dark (a crepuscular, rainy evening)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Air Transit = Complete Nightmare.

  This summer I flew to England with Air Transit. Never again.

  So, as soon as we get on the plane, the toilet leaks ad the carpet's wet for the whole time. Then, I'm sick and they tell me to leave the barf bag just on the ground!

  On the way back, they told us we had to switch seats because I was too small to evacuate people, even though my Dad (who was almost a football player for the CFL) was right beside me and would be the one evacuating people. Then there was a window problem ad twenty minutes later, they showed up to fix it with Duct tape.

  So my point is: If your planning on flying with Air Transit...Don't.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Monkey hates your moustache!

Try not to wet your pants while watching this video. I went to "The Owl and Monkey Haven" with my dad, and the monkeys didn't seem to like him very much...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Teach your cat to Sit.

A lot of people say cats can't learn tricks. A lot of people are BUTTWIPES. I kid, I kid. But it's true! I taught my cat to sit and it only took about fifteen minutes! Here's how I did it:

Step one: Get your cats favourite treats and call her over. Give her a treat.

Step two: Say "Sit" loud and clear and push your cats bottom into a sitting posistion. Say "Good Cat" and reward her with a treat.

Step three: Repeat until your cat starts to sit on her own. If it's been fifteen minutes and she still hasn't caught on, end the session and start again tomorrow.

Step four: When your cat learns the trick, wean her off the treats so that she still gets enough to keep it up but she isn't getting a treat every time she performs the trick.

Perverted little kids at the Zoo.

Well, I was at the Zoo a few days ago, standing in line. There was a little boy and his mom standing behind me. I heard his mom saying "don't touch" and felt a little uncomfortable for some reason. My friend started laughing and I asked her what was so funny. She said "I'll tell you later". When we left for the parking lot and turned to her and asked her again. She said "the little boy was touching your butt".

 What the fackwacking winkertoss is wrong with kids these days?!

Probably the same kid.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Song that can make you significantly stupider

I was just surfing when I found this little gem. I think my IQ dropped after listening to this. Now excuse me, because I have to go buy this for my ipod.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kelsey's blog: continued

Dear Readers,

I've started a new blog to branch off of this one called Book Wormz.
There I do book reviews, ask polls, and rant about how much Twilight sucks.
If you love books as much as I do, check it out.

Click here to check it out!

Charlie Sheen Quotes...oh, yeah.

Okay, so we all know that Charlie Sheen has gone freaking insane. And we all know that he's been saying the strangest and most disturbing things on talk shows. I personally find this all hilarious and have composed a list of his TOP 5 quotes. Let's go:

5. I have tiger blood.
4. Only normal people need sleep.
3. I'm on a drug. It's called CHARLIE SHEEN.

This guy needs some help.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


  Do you like to write? Do wish you could share your writing with the world? If so then you should seriously consider checking out

  If you check out figment and want something to read, then maybe consider checking out my work. Search up "The Emo Diaries". Also if you join, comment on my work and ask 4 me to check out something of yours.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


For those of you who do not know, a poscast is kind of like a radio show but anyone can do one.
A lot of blogs and websites have them. So, Hey! Why don't I do one?

So, if any of you have any ideas a to what I should talk about,please let me know by posting a comment.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Now Availible in Russian!!!

So, I have some Russian readers. If you're one of them you may be relived to find you can translate my blog into Russian now. ENJOY~

thank you to: