Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 ways to live longer that really work!

 1. Get a pet. Pet interaction decreases stress hormones.

 2. 6 1/2 - 7 1/2 hours sleep is best a night.

 3. Have friends,  And not just the facebook kind...

 4. Find the one. Marriage can add 10 years to a man's life, and 4 to a woman's.

 5. Just 15 minutes of exercise a day can increase your life span by 3 years.

 6. Take a hike! Nature and trees reduce stress.

 7. Eat chocolate. Some ingredients in chocolate are actually good for you, and dark chocolate is good for you heart!

 8. Laughter is the best medicine- for real. Laughing is not only fun, but it's good for you too.

 9. People who drink half a glass of whine a day live three years longer then people who don't drink.

 10. Last but not optimistic. Your atitude is important to be happy and healthy.

  Live long and prosper my friends. Live long and prosper.

picture from
thanks to msn.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

7 Big Words to make you sound Smart

1. Truculently- fiercely, cruelly, brutally harsh (he advanced on his enemy truculently)

2. Brobdingnagian- huge (that fat guy is brobdingnagian)

3. Multitudinous- plenty of (the multitudinous cheering of hundreds of people)

4. Feculent- disgusting, fecul (the boy's room was as feculent as a sewer)

5. Propitiatingly- to appease (he agreed propitiatingly)

6. Unpreposessing- ugly (the unprepossessing face of a bulldog)

7. Crepuscular- dim, dark (a crepuscular, rainy evening)